We accept payment using:
- Cash
- Personal Cheques
- Direct Debit
- Direct Credit (Internet banking, phone banking)
- Payment Terms:Interest free – Payment plan for (12) Twelve months from signing a binding contract.
No set up fee – but if you withdraw payment before the memorial is ordered then a penalty payment of 10% of the total cost of the memorial order will occur and remaining money will be paid to the account holder of the contract.
Once memorial has been order and deposit paid there will be a No out clause or return of monies collected.
The account holder must pay in full the due amount owing within one year or penalty interest will occur weekly compounding at a rate of 2.5% on all amounts owing until paid in full.
Any additional cost to recovery overdue account will be sent to our Dept collection company
Terms and Conditions
Payment for all goods and services due in full immediately prior to installation, deliver or collection.
Method of payment as detailed at time of sale unless otherwise arranged.
Under the terms of privacy Act 1993 you irrevocably authorise any person or company to provide us with such information as we may require in response to our credit inquiries.
You further authorise us to use images of any memorial or other products we create for you,in our marketing material, including, but not limited to, brochures, web sites, media advertising.
Memorials will be displayed on our Facebook page and on our Website 4 weeks after completion unless advised otherwise.